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Wednesday, 10 April 2024

How to Make Him Miss You Like Crazy over Text

Do you wonder if your man is thinking of you when you’re not together? Whether you’re texting your crush or a long-term boyfriend, guys just want to have a fun time and feel good when they’re texting you. Luckily, you can easily keep him hooked on the conversation so he misses you when you're not around. Keep reading for the ultimate guide on how to make him miss you over text, including specific example texts you can send him.


[Edit]Give him a sweet compliment.

  1. Guys love hearing what you like about them. A quick compliment will put a smile on his face and make him think about how good you make him feel. You could mention how he looks, how he handles a situation, or how you feel about him. Just try to stay away from heavy-handed compliments if you don’t mean them though; guys can see right through them.
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    • “You always know just what to say to make me feel better 😊”
    • “I bet you’re looking really handsome today 😘 just like every day!”
    • “Have I told you how amazing you are lately? Because you’re the most amazing guy I’ve met!”

[Edit]Thank him for something he’s done.

  1. Showing your appreciation lets him know how much you care. If your crush or boyfriend did something really nice for you, don’t let it go unnoticed. Even if it was just something small, he’ll love that you noticed what he’s doing and he’ll want to text you more.
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    • “Thank you so much for the text last night ❤️ it meant the world reading it this morning!”
    • “I really appreciated you coming over today. It was so nice seeing you again 🥰”
    • “Thank you for being so supportive of my dreams! You make me feel so special!”

[Edit]Send him a flirty text.

  1. Flirting boosts his ego and keeps the convo fun. Your guy wants to feel wanted in your relationship, so show him that you’re interested. Just tell him how he makes you feel and how he’s always on your mind so he doesn’t have to guess how you’re feeling. If you’re in a long-term relationship, flirting has an added bonus—keeping the romantic spark alive.[1]
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    • “You make me smile every time I see a message from you pop up 😘”
    • “So…how soon can you come over? 😉”
    • “You must be so tired since you’ve been running through my head all day!”

[Edit]Ask for his advice.

  1. He’ll want to jump in and help out as much as he can. You can ask him for a recommendation, life advice, or anything else that you need help with. Asking him for his thoughts lets him know that you trust him and his opinion, so he’ll want to keep chatting with you.
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    • “I’m making a playlist for us 🥰 What songs do you think I should include?”
    • “I really want to get a new computer, but I have no idea what I need. Do you have any recommendations?”
    • “I’ve wanted to get back into reading this year! What are some of your favorite books that you’d think I’d like?”

[Edit]Remind him of your memories together.

  1. Reminiscing makes him think about the good times you’ve shared. If you’re scrolling through your pics or just see something that makes you think of your crush or boyfriend, let him know! If you tell him about a good memory you’ve had together, he’ll remember it too and try to chase that feeling again.[2]
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    • “I just heard the song we danced to on our first date. That night was so much fun 😘”
    • “I was scrolling through some old pics and found some cute ones from our vacation. I miss relaxing on the beach with you!”
    • “I just got dinner from that spot where you surprised me for our anniversary. I was thinking about you the entire time I was eating.”

[Edit]Mention how much you miss him.

  1. Saying you miss him will make him think about how he misses you too. If you’re thinking of him, don’t be afraid to send him a quick reminder! Let him know how you’re feeling and what you wish you could be doing together. When your crush or S.O. sees that you’re really missing him, he’ll want to spend time with you even more since you’re on his mind.[3]
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    • “Just wanted to let you know I’ve been thinking of you a lot today ❤️”
    • “I know it’s only been a day since I saw you, but doesn’t it feel like foreverrrr.”
    • “I wish I could cuddle up with you right now!”

[Edit]Share a cute pic.

  1. Show him what he’s missing out on so he wants you more. Snap a quick picture of whatever you’re doing and send it his way to show off what you’re up to. Follow up with a quick caption or question so he has something more to respond to. He’ll see that you’re having a good time without him and he’ll really want to be a part of it.
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    • Send a cute selfie and say, “Private fashion show just for you! How do I look?”
    • Snap a pic of the sunset and text, “Isn’t this gorgeous? Wish you could be here with me!”
    • Send an old picture of you and him together and say, “Aw, look at this pic I found of us! Aren’t we so cute? 🥰”

[Edit]Set up a time to get together.

  1. He’ll get really excited for a date you’ve planned. Planning when to see each other builds up his anticipation so he’ll miss you even more until your date. Throw out a fun suggestion of something to do when you hang out and spend time with one another. Show him how eager you are too so your crush or boyfriend knows you’re missing him.
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    • “I’m so excited to see you again! When are you free later this week?”
    • “I’d love to get dinner with you this weekend 🥰 Does Saturday night work?”
    • “You. Me. Bowling. This Wednesday. Think you can beat me? 😉”

[Edit]Turn him on with a sexy message.

  1. You’re bound to get his attention with a steamy text. Don’t be afraid to tell him what you want to do when you’re alone with him or send him a sexy selfie to really grab his attention. Leave a little up to the imagination; it’s sure to make him want you even more. He’ll be so excited to see you, he’ll be counting down the minutes until you can get together again.[4]
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    • “Just imagine what we’d be doing if we were together right now 😘”
    • “🥵 I’m getting turned on just thinking about you!”
    • “Tell me what you want me to do to you 😉”

[Edit]Send a cute goodnight text.

  1. Sending a message before bed makes him think of you all night long. After a long day, a guy will really love seeing that he’s the last person you text before falling asleep. Flirt a little bit and tell him how much you miss him so he wishes he could cuddle up right next to you.
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    • “Goodnight 😚 I’ll see you in my dreams!”
    • “I don’t know how I’ll be able to sleep with you on my mind.”
    • “I wish I could fall asleep in your arms tonight ❤️”

[Edit]Keep your messages positive.

  1. Guys are more likely to respond to lighthearted texts. When you complain or talk about topics that bring the mood down, he might reply less. Talk about the things he likes to do, make him laugh, and use emojis to make your texts sound more fun so he keeps chatting.[5]
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    • If you need to have a serious conversation, do it in person instead.
    • Instead, keep it light, fun, friendly, and sweet—save the heavy topics for in-person conversation!

[Edit]Make yourself less available.

  1. Limit how much you text him to make him want you more. If you’re always messaging and responding to your crush or S.O. right away, he might think that you’re waiting by your phone for him. He’ll miss you more if you don’t start every convo, so wait for him to make the first move every now and then. When you get a text from him, it’s okay to wait for a few hours before responding so he gets more excited after he gets your text.[6]
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from How to of the Day https://ift.tt/85XD0yV
via Peter

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