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Friday, 4 May 2018

Here Are The Goodest™ Dog Posts The Internet Blessed Us With This Week

Because you deserve it.™

This girl who had her costume fitting as Nana in a children's theatre production of Peter Pan!!!!!!! I NEED A LIVESTREAM LINK, OKAY?!?!?!?!

This girl who had her costume fitting as Nana in a children's theatre production of Peter Pan!!!!!!! I NEED A LIVESTREAM LINK, OKAY?!?!?!?!

reddit.com / Via reddit.com


These happy li'l tent wolfettes!!!!! 15/10 would sit around a campfire with them while some guy unfortunately plays "Wonderwall" on his guitar.

These happy li'l tent wolfettes!!!!! 15/10 would sit around a campfire with them while some guy unfortunately plays "Wonderwall" on his guitar.

reddit.com / Via reddit.com

This doggo who recognized his owner's voice over FaceTime!!!!!!!!! I'm legit shaking, you guys!!!

This doggo who recognized his owner's voice over FaceTime!!!!!!!!! I'm legit shaking, you guys!!!

reddit.com / Via gfycat.com

This mid-blep portrait! Okay, Tyra!!!!!! 💁

This mid-blep portrait! Okay, Tyra!!!!!! 💁

reddit.com / Via imgur.com

This corg who has a SUPPORT PLUSHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This corg who has a SUPPORT PLUSHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

reddit.com / Via i.imgur.com

I'll take ONE HAPP BOYE pls!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll take ONE HAPP BOYE pls!!!!!!!!!!!

reddit.com / Via reddit.com

This boye who greets his owner like this every day!!! Like, SPOILED. Right?!

This boye who greets his owner like this every day!!! Like, SPOILED. Right?!

reddit.com / Via reddit.com

*heart explodes* *vomits* *smiles through the overwhelming pain of love*

*heart explodes* *vomits* *smiles through the overwhelming pain of love*

reddit.com / Via i.imgur.com

This Survivalist Shibe™ who I would def snuggle with in our bunker!

This Survivalist Shibe™ who I would def snuggle with in our bunker!

reddit.com / Via reddit.com

And lastly, let this picture of happiness and purity be your guiding light into this weekend and next week. YOU DESERVE THIS!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖

And lastly, let this picture of happiness and purity be your guiding light into this weekend and next week. YOU DESERVE THIS!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖

reddit.com / Via reddit.com

from BuzzFeed - Animals https://ift.tt/2rmVxez

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