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Tuesday 23 September 2014

47 Surprising Facts About Animals

Did you know some animals have multiple penises or vaginas?!

anankkmi / Thinkstock

1. Hummingbirds can fly backwards.

2. Some spiders can grow bigger in urban areas.

3. Cicadas expand and contract their exoskeletons to make their loud calls.

4. When caterpillars metamorphosize, they digest themselves into a "soup," then reform into a butterfly.

5. The largest bat colony in the world in Bracken Cave, Texas, is believed to have 20 million bats.

USFWS/Ann Froschauer / Creative Commons / Via Flickr: usfwshq

5. Female insects of the genus Neotrogla have a penis and can have sex for up to 70 hours.

6. There's a mammal in Australia that has sex until it disintegrates.

7. During sex, flies create a buzz that can attract predatory bats.

8. Female black widow spiders sometimes kill and eat their male counterparts after mating.

9. Female komodo dragons don't need a male to reproduce.

10. Bald eagles court each other in the sky. They lock talons while freefalling, then soar upward before hitting the ground.

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from BuzzFeed - Animals http://ift.tt/1ve1t3V

Created by Peter

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