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Tuesday 23 September 2014

22 Cats Who Are Sick Of Dealing With The Hoi Polloi

All you basic commoners, step off.

"Why do these basics think they can just touch me like this??"

"Why do these basics think they can just touch me like this??"


"Does he even know how basic he is?"

"Does he even know how basic he is?"


"My god, man. I have no idea what kind of commoner disease you have."

"My god, man. I have no idea what kind of commoner disease you have."


"When did it become so acceptable for the hoi polloi to see no boundaries with royalty??"

"When did it become so acceptable for the hoi polloi to see no boundaries with royalty??"


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from BuzzFeed - Animals http://ift.tt/1mLZF2G

Created by Peter

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