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How to Sleep Better

Getting a good night's sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health and well-being. If you are having trouble sleeping, you're probably getting all kinds of different advice on how to fix the problem. Don't worry! We performed the research for you and assembled all the most reliable tips for better sleep, including recommendations from experts at the National Sleep Foundation and Harvard Medical School.


[Edit]Getting to Sleep Quickly (Easy Methods)

  1. Relax in a nice warm bath or shower in the evening. As well as relaxing you, taking a bath raises your body temperature. Afterwards, your body temperature cools down rapidly, which can increase feelings of sleepiness.[1]
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  2. Consider taking a magnesium supplement 30 to 45 minutes before bed. Though magnesium’s effects haven’t been definitively proven, many people believe it improves sleep quality and reduces insomnia. It may affect your melatonin levels, which helps you fall asleep more quickly, and it can also help relax your muscles. Magnesium supplements can be purchased in the vitamin section of your pharmacy.[2]
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  3. Sleep naked. Sleeping in the nude may help you regulate and lower your body temperature, which can help you fall asleep faster and improve your sleep quality.[3] Get to a comfortable temperature using your duvet, sheets, and pillows, rather than excessively warm pajamas. Remember, it is usually best to be slightly on the cool side!
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    • Preferably sleep with your arms and head out from under the bedclothes, unless the room is very cold.
    • Feeling too hot? Learn how to sleep comfortably on a hot night. Feeling too cold? Learn how to sleep when it's cold.
    • Keep an extra blanket right by the bed, just in case you get cold at night. Don't neglect your feet—cold feet can keep you awake!
    • If you prefer to wear pajamas because they're more comfortable, loose cotton pajamas are the best as they generally are more breathable than other fabrics.
  4. Pick a comfortable sleep position. Changing your sleeping position can make a huge difference in the quality of your sleep. When you go to sleep, or if you wake up in the middle of the night, make a conscious effort to follow these guidelines until it becomes habitual:
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    • Try sleeping on your side with a small pillow between your knees. Experts consider this position to be one of the best for neck and back pain, as well as keeping your airway open.[4]
    • If you prefer to sleep on your back, place a small pillow under your knees to alleviate stress on your spine, and place a supportive pillow under your head that fits the natural curve of your neck and shoulders.[5]
    • If you have spine or neck pain, avoid sleeping on your stomach, as this can cause excess strain.[6] If you wish to sleep on your stomach, put your pillow under your hips instead of under your head.[7]
  5. Use a suitable pillow. If it's too thin, your head will tilt backwards, which is uncomfortable.[8] Likewise, don't stack your pillows so that your head is propped at an angle.
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    • Pick a pillow that keeps your neck in alignment with your chest and back to reduce strain.
    • Replace pillows approximately every year to ensure that they are supportive and functional.[9]
  6. Reduce your light exposure an hour or two before going to bed. Bright light before bedtime can disrupt your body's internal clock. It's one of the primary clues to the body that it's either sleep time, or waking time.[10]
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    • If your home is brightly lit late at night, turn off lights you do not need.
    • Stop watching TV and using a computer, tablet or phone at least 2 hours before bedtime. It is recommended to install f.lux or Redshift (if you use Linux) onto your computer, which filters blue light from your screen. Blue light can negatively affect your sleep by decreasing the release of sleep hormones.[11]
    • Eliminate all sources of light in your bedroom. This includes windows, LED clocks, computer lights, cable boxes, and other devices with lights (unless they are very dim). You can cover them with heavy paper, cloth covers, masking tape, or just unplug them. Not only will you get a good night's sleep, but you'll also save electricity.[12]
    • If light still disturbs you or wakes you up in the morning, wear an eye mask. Sometimes lavender eye "pillows" can be more relaxing.
  7. Add gentle sounds. Use a white noise generator that generates various soothing sounds—surf, wind, steam—these are sounds that have no shape, and they can help your brain to de-focus on right now.
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    • White noise has been shown to not only help people fall asleep more quickly, but also it can disguise other noises that may wake you during the night.[13]
    • White noise or natural sound machines are often wonderful. But if you cannot afford one, a fan can make soothing noise. So can a radio tuned to "between stations," where it creates static. Make sure that the radio is not too loud.
    • Repetitive or ambient music is very good for falling asleep.[14] What's especially important is that there be no dramatic shifts in the dynamics of the music, as these may wake you up.[15] Just be sure that the music stops or fades out in about an hour, or it could keep you from experiencing really deep sleep.
    • Turn your phone off, or to silent mode (if you use its alarm), so you will not be disturbed with texts, phone calls, and notifications. If you know that you have to be somewhere, go to bed earlier.

[Edit]Moderating Your Diet

  1. Eat dinner at least three hours before bedtime. A full stomach may disrupt your sleep, and, the heavier the meal, the longer it takes for your stomach to settle down.[16]
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    • Avoid heavy, greasy or sugary foods closer to bedtime. Your body’s insulin resistance increases at night, so it’s less equipped to handle these foods than it would be in the morning.[17]
  2. Avoid going to bed on an empty stomach. A completely empty stomach may interfere with your sleeping patterns just as much as going to bed with a full stomach.[18]
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    • If you find that your stomach is grumbling for food and is keeping you awake, eat a light snack about an hour before bedtime.
    • Opt for something like veggies, an apple with peanut butter, or Greek yogurt. Avoid foods high in carbohydrates or sugar.[19]
  3. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening. This includes coffee, black teas, cocoa, and caffeinated soda. Caffeine can keep you awake even if you drank it earlier in the day, as its effects can last up to 12 hours. This also includes other stimulants like those found in energy drinks even if they are not caffeine.[20]
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    • Avoid tobacco or other nicotine products in the evenings as well.
  4. Drink a relaxing warm beverage. Highly recommended beverages include a warm glass of milk or chamomile tea. Most herbal teas are fine, as long as they do not contain any caffeine. Avoid drinking more than a few ounces of fluid directly before bedtime.[21]
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  5. Avoid drinking water or other fluids within 1 ½ to 2 hours of your appointed bedtime. Ensure, though, that you drink at least two liters of water during the day.
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    • A well-hydrated body will not wake you from thirst, but drinking a big glass of water just before bed might wake you to go to the bathroom at an inconvenient hour.[22]
  6. Avoid alcohol before bed. Alcohol will make you feel sleepy, but it will also reduce the quality of your sleep as your body processes the alcohol and sugars.[23] Alcohol tends to produce broken, shallow sleep (even if you don't notice the periods of waking during the night), which does not refresh.[24]
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[Edit]Making Your Bed and Bedroom Welcoming

  1. Use your bedroom for bedtime. If your body is used to doing all sorts of things in the room besides sleep, it may not make a smooth transition to sleep when it is time. Your mind should associate your bedroom with sleep and perhaps soothing, relaxing activities.[25]
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    • Avoid: stressful work or homework, using the computer, watching TV, talking on the phone, eating, exercising, and generally anything that is stressful, energizing, very exciting, or keeps you from going to sleep on time.
    • Probably okay: Reading, a relaxing project, cuddling with a spouse, writing in a journal.
    • Use your bed ONLY for sleeping.[26]
  2. Make your bedroom a haven. The more comfortable your bed and bedroom are, the more conducive they are to a restful sleep.[27]
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    • Keep your room completely dark while you sleep so you aren’t kept awake.[28]
  3. Clean your room. Get rid of the cobwebs, dust the shelves, and vacuum the floor. Empty the wastepaper basket. Remove dirty plates, cups, and water-bottles. A clean room sets the emotional stage for your room being a safe, healthy place, not a neglected dumping-ground to wallow in. Also, regular cleaning can alleviate allergies which can disrupt sleep.[29] It also keeps pests like mice, rats, and cockroaches from invading your space.
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    • Keep your bed clean. Wash the sheets and pillowcases every week so they will smell great, and you will feel more comfortable sleeping.
    • Don't clutter your room with things that can distract you from going to sleep. Tidy up. Throw out any rubbish and let fresh air in.
  4. Beautify your room. An aesthetically pleasing room will make you happier than one that's displeasing. You do not necessarily have to have your room be a page from the Ikea catalog. But simple changes, such as getting rid of a bedspread you no longer like or repainting your walls can subtly shift your mood.
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    • Make your room darker. Blackout drapes, shades, or blinds can avoid you awakening early.
    • Make sure your sleep temperature is restful. If you are sweating or freezing, you will not sleep well.
  5. Maintain your mattress. If you’re able, replace your mattress after six to eight years of regular use.[30] If you feel springs or ridges beneath the surface when you're lying on the bed, or you and your partner tend to roll over each other a lot at night (unintentionally), it's time to go mattress shopping!
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    • You may also find that the mattress is to blame if you find yourself sleeping better in another bed.
  6. Consider getting a new type of mattress. There are certain mattresses that allow for adjustment or that mold around you, and they may help you get a better night's sleep.
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    • Some mattresses let you adjust the firmness of your bed, individually, for both you and your partner. This is ideal if you can never agree on which mattress feels right. You may both have different needs, and trying to find one you will both like generally means finding a mattress that neither of you will get a good night's sleep on.
    • Another type of mattress uses memory foam, which molds to the contours of your body as it warms up. This leaves no pressure points to cause numbness, irritation or other physical issues. This is especially useful for those with bad hips or other joints.

[Edit]Changing Your Daily Routine

  1. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. A consistent sleep schedule can help you feel more rested.[31] On the other hand, varying your sleeping times by more than an hour can disrupt your sleep quality and negatively affect your circadian rhythm.
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    • Use the same sleep schedule, even on weekends. If you have to go to bed later occasionally, still get up at your normal time.
    • When your alarm clock goes off, get up right away every day. Don't lie in or snooze.
  2. Consider allowing less time for sleeping. Different people need different amounts of sleep. If you take longer than 30 minutes to fall asleep, or often wake up for long periods during the night, you may be allowing too much time for sleep. You need deep, continuous sleep, even if it's shorter, rather than shallow broken-up sleep.
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    • So, if you normally allow 8 hours between bedtime and getting up, try reducing it by 15 minutes - by going to bed later or setting your alarm for earlier. You may be more tired for the first few days, but this may help you sleep.
    • After a week, if you're still not going to sleep quickly and staying asleep, reduce the sleep time by another 15 minutes.
    • Continue reducing the sleep time by 15 minutes each week, until you are able to go to sleep quickly and stay asleep. (Waking up during the night is normal, as long as it's only for a few minutes.)
    • Then stick with this new bedtime, and continue getting up time.
  3. Develop a sleep routine. Try doing the same steps each night before you go to bed to ready yourself for sleep. Consistency is the key.[32] For a truly soothing evening, try the following steps:
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    • Put on some ambient music, and instead of incandescent lights, light several candles in your living room and in your bedroom.
    • Practice breathing exercises (see below) or meditation, focusing on relaxing your body.
    • When it's time, extinguish the candles as you make your way to the bedroom. Your home will get progressively darker until the last candle is extinguished.
  4. Try deep breathing relaxation before bed. Find a comfortable position. Make sure your environment is relaxed.[33] Make sure there’s not too much light, and consider putting on calm music. A space where you know you will not be interrupted is ideal.
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    • Clear your mind. Close your eyes and imagine all those problems that you keep in your mind everyday fading out with each breath.
    • Pull in the positive. Inhale positive images that make you happy.
    • Focus on your breath. Feel the oxygen within your body. You should start feeling a relaxing sensation across your body and mind.
    • Try to maintain this for 10 minutes every night before going to sleep.
    • You could even add a few drops of lavender oil onto your pillow, which calms the nerves and helps you sleep.
    • If your mind wanders off throughout the day, these breathing exercises will help your mind and body to relax and keep your mind in one place so you feel the calm in your body.
  5. Exercise regularly. If you have a sedentary job, a lack of physical exertion may contribute to reducing the quality of your sleep. The human body uses sleep to repair and recover. If there isn't much from which to recover, your body's sleep cycle could be disrupted.[34]
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    • Physical exertion (such as going for a run or a swim, or better yet, exercising regularly) can make for deeper and more restful sleep.[35] To add more exercise to your day, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk instead of catching the bus, and so forth.
    • Don't exercise less than 2 hours before bedtime. Exercise can greatly enhance and promote sleep. However, your body will be "revved up" some time after your workout. (The one possible exception may be gentle yoga).
  6. Consider taking a nap. For some people (depending on work and your daily routine), a short rest in the afternoon can help alleviate drowsiness experienced during the day.[36] Though naps are not for everyone - many people feel even drowsier after a nap.
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    • When you feel the need for a nap (should your job allow), set your timer for 15 minutes. If you're ready for a nap, you will be asleep in a minute or two. When the timer goes off, get up immediately! Have a glass of water, and jump back into work. You will feel much more refreshed—–even more so than if you had slept for an hour.

[Edit]Using Medication for Better Sleep

  1. Try melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in your brain.[37] The pineal actively converts serotonin to melatonin when it is dark, but when light is present it does not do so, and the melatonin oxidizes back into serotonin.
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    • Consult with your physician about taking melatonin. Taking melatonin pills is a natural way to induce sleep, especially if you are physically tired at night, but are still unable to fall asleep. #*Melatonin supplements are generally safe, but some people may experience side effects like headache or dizziness. Be sure to consult with your doctor before adding them to your sleep routine.[38]
  2. Some antihistamines cause drowsiness, and therefore induce sleep. These medicines are typically used for allergies, and you can purchase them over-the-counter. These are generally safe when taken "without extra ingredients"—–i.e. no pain relievers, decongestants, expectorants, etc., but only every once in a while, as tolerance to them quickly builds. They should not be used to treat chronic insomnia.[39]
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    • Read the labels. Try half or less of the usual dose so that you don’t end up with a "sleeping pill hangover," which will only make your sleep situation worse.
    • Be lying down in bed when your drowsiness kicks in.
    • If you use prescription drugs, check with your doctor before taking anything else. Never thoughtlessly mix medications: with the wrong combination, you could end up mixing medications in a way that will do you harm.
    • Be sure not to abuse any sedative. Do not take those in more than the prescribed dosage, nor beyond the recommended duration.
  3. Tell your doctor if you are concerned that you might have a sleep disorder. Some of the most common sleep disorders are insomnia, narcolepsy and parasomnias.[40] If you are indeed suffering from and are diagnosed with any of these conditions, your doctor will recommend treatment accordingly.
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    • Anxiety, depression, PMS, and some medications can cause difficulty sleeping and should be addressed.[41]

[Edit]Help Sleeping Better


[Edit]Reader Videos


  • Always go to the restroom before you go to bed.
  • Try reading a book.
  • Sleep with your head higher than your feet; this will cause you to have peaceful dreams.
  • If you get aching feelings and pains after sleeping then you may be you are sleeping in a bad position. If sleeping on your back is uncomfortable, try the tennis ball trick: get an old pajama top and sew a tennis ball onto the back and wear it while you sleep. This way you can stay on your side and have a better night's sleep.
  • If there is a lot on your mind that's keeping you from falling asleep, write it down so that you can sort it out when you get up in the morning.
  • Try gentle meditation 15 minutes before bedtime.
  • Light candles that have a calming scent, like lavender, vanilla, or fresh clean scents.
  • Make sure you brush your teeth before sleeping.
  • Make sure to have all lights turned off.
  • Take a drink with you in case you get thirsty at the night.
  • Do not keep any computers or TVs in your bedroom and don't use them for two hours before bed.
  • If you smoke, have your last nicotine product at least two hours before going to sleep as nicotine is a stimulant.
  • Read before you sleep. It makes your mind healthy and increases the need for sleep because your eyes get tired when you read.
  • Make sure your sheets are clean.
  • Listen to relaxing music.
  • A few hours before bed, watch a video, movie, or listen to some positive music.
  • Make sure you have a pillow that is perfect for you. This goes for both firmness and material.
  • Let your body get used to what you are going to do: Calm your body down; by lying down; then thinking of things that are comfortable, and laying for a couple of minutes. You will get used to it and fall asleep.
  • Use aromatherapy essential oils, such as lavender to help relax yourself and aid with relaxation.
  • Be sure that you are in a room that is at a temperature that you will be happy with. If it is too warm, a fan would be useful to cool you down.
  • Stretch gently before sleeping.
  • Do not have any alarm clocks or TV's facing your bed.
  • Try having a hot water bottle in your bed. It keeps you warm and it's comforting to cuddle something. Make sure it's sturdy and won't leak or break and only use it in cold climates.
  • Try thinking of all the good parts of your day and if you had a bad day think of the good things you will do tomorrow.
  • Have a "security blanket," something soft to clutch like a small pillow, an extra bit of your blanket, or even a stuffed animal. Usually, this gives you comfort and that little feeling of security and will help you settle and sleep better.
  • You should try reading right before bed. Not only does it calm down your body, but it's also a great way to finish that book series.
  • A pet in the room can wake you because of its weight, movement, demands for food, or need to being let out. Choose sleep over pet comfort!
  • Listen to relaxing songs or lullabies. Don't read anything that is dramatic or thrilling before bed as this might cause nightmares.
  • The biggest cause of insomnia is sleeping tablets. Physical solutions are much more effective as treatment (breathing/visualizing/muscle control).
  • Don't have a phone or electronic device in the room unless it's turned off and silenced.
  • Don't keep electronics anywhere near your bed at night to prevent reaching for them or wanting to play games on them.
  • As distressing as not being able to fall asleep swiftly may be, keep in mind that it is normal to experience a period of sleeping difficulties for a whole number of reasons, some perhaps unknown to the person with difficulties of falling asleep and that many people overcome insomnia naturally after a short period of time.
  • Have a small cup of ginger and chamomile tea.
  • If you have acid reflux or a similar problem, propping your head up just a little bit is quite nice (like adding one thin pillow).
  • You can use memory foam above your mattress; it provides health benefits by relieving pain, body aches and soreness, as well as helping your body to recover more quickly from injuries.
  • Before you sleep, think about why you need good sleep.
  • Make sure you don't have too many things in your bed.
  • Dim the lights 15-20 minutes before you go to bed.
  • Try the 1, 4, 5 breathing technique. You breathe in for 1 second, breathe out for 4, close your eyes whilst doing it and repeat 5 times.
  • Use an old-fashioned alarm clock instead of your phone's alarm. When using your phone's alarm, you may end up checking emails and text messages.
  • Avoid going on your side and curling into a ball because it strains your neck.
  • If you sleep with the door open, close it to block out any noise.
  • About 20 minutes before you sleep, put your blanket inside the dryer. It'll make it warm and cozy when you take it out and will make you very comfortable.
  • Create a bedtime ritual. For example, every night when you are getting ready for bed, drink a glass of warm milk, lay down, and think about how your day went. Eventually, your body will associate this process with sleeping and you will begin to fall asleep easier.
  • Taking probiotics daily has been shown to improve sleep.[42]


  • Try not to fall asleep with the TV on, as it accustoms your body to need the noise in order to fall asleep. If you wake up in the middle of the night and feel that it's unbearably quiet, you may have difficulty getting back to sleep.
  • Don't use chamomile tea if you are allergic to ragweed, or are on blood thinners.
  • If you choose to cover sources of light in your room, make sure you don't create a fire hazard. For example, do not cover a source of heat like a light bulb with paper or cloth. If using candles, always blow them out before sleep and never leave them unattended. If you can't be certain you'll remain awake to blow out candles, do not use them at all in your bedroom space! Or you can place the candle on a broad plate where it will burn out safely.
  • Keep track of your use of sleep medication (over the counter or not), as such medication can become addictive, leaving you unable to fall asleep without them. Additionally, the medication's side effects may influence your daily routine, as well as reduce your overall sleep quality at night.

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[Edit]Quick Summary

  1. https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/try-these-13-tips-to-help-you-sleep-better/2023/07
  2. https://myhealth.ucsd.edu/RelatedItems/6,1659474634
  3. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/will-sleeping-naked-help-you-sleep-better
  4. https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-minute-what-is-the-best-sleeping-position/
  5. https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=1&ContentID=4460
  6. https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-minute-what-is-the-best-sleeping-position/
  7. https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=1&ContentID=4460
  8. https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=1&ContentID=4460
  9. https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=1&ContentID=4460
  10. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/blue-light-has-a-dark-side
  11. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/12148-sleep-basics
  12. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/blue-light-has-a-dark-side
  13. https://www.colorado.edu/health/blog/sleep-hacks
  14. https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/try-these-13-tips-to-help-you-sleep-better/2023/07
  15. http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/music_box/2012/11/brian_eno_s_lux_reviewed.html
  16. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-eating-before-bed-bad-for-you
  17. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-eating-before-bed-bad-for-you
  18. https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/try-these-13-tips-to-help-you-sleep-better/2023/07
  19. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-eating-before-bed-bad-for-you
  20. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/articles/caffeine-and-sleep
  21. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/12148-sleep-basics
  22. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/12148-sleep-basics
  23. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/12148-sleep-basics
  24. https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/news/20130118/alcohol-sleep
  25. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/12148-sleep-basics
  26. https://www.colorado.edu/health/blog/sleep-hacks
  27. https://www.colorado.edu/health/blog/sleep-hacks
  28. https://www.colorado.edu/health/blog/sleep-hacks
  29. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/choosing-the-best-sleep-position
  30. https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=1&ContentID=4460
  31. https://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug04/tips
  32. https://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug04/tips
  33. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6361823/
  34. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sleep-newzzz/201309/better-sleep-found-exercising-regular-basis-0
  35. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/exercising-for-better-sleep
  36. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/12148-sleep-basics
  37. https://psychcentral.com/lib/tips-for-a-good-nights-sleep#natural-sleep-aids
  38. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-melatonin/art-20363071
  39. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/expert-answers/sleep-aids/faq-20058393
  40. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/12148-sleep-basics
  41. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6700255/
  42. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17851460

from How to of the Day https://ift.tt/IK1amWB
via Peter

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