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Wednesday 1 May 2024

How to Manifesting a Relationship

Everything you need to know about attracting love into your life with manifestation

You’ve heard of people manifesting a new car or a raise, but did you know that manifestation works just as well for finding a relationship? Manifesting a relationship is actually a straightforward process; all you have to do is visualize exactly what you want, believe in yourself and your worthiness to find love, and make an action plan to go out there and get it. If you need some extra help, that’s okay—Keen’s Love & Relationship Advisors are always available to guide you through the process. In this article, we’ll show you exactly what to do to manifest a relationship, plus answer all your questions about how long it might take and how to tell if your efforts are working. Read on!

[Edit]Quick Steps to Manifest Love

  1. Define what you’re looking for in a relationship and a partner in detail.
  2. Visualize yourself in your future relationship.
  3. Embody the love you want to receive.
  4. Make a concrete action plan to find your future partner.
  5. Stay open to new opportunities and surprises.
  6. Stay optimistic to radiate more positive energy.


[Edit]How to Manifest a Relationship

  1. Get clear on what you’re looking for in as much detail as possible. What does your ideal relationship look like? What traits or values does your future partner have? Get super specific about what it is you want; mindfulness exercises like meditating, journaling, or even just talking to a friend can help you clarify your thoughts and raise your self-awareness.[1]
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    • Focus on qualities you want instead of ones you don’t want. For example, “a partner who respects me” is more helpful and positive than “someone who’s not a jerk like my ex.”
    • Think about the values, traits, and lifestyle of your ideal partner. Do they volunteer? Do they stay active? Do they take charge in an emergency? Details like “brown hair” are fine, but these deeper qualities speak more to who that person is and how your relationship will work.
    • Don’t worry about creating the perfect list of traits. As you manifest, you can always come back and reevaluate what you want.
  2. Visualize what it looks and feels like to be with your future partner. Imagine the ideal relationship you’ve described and visualize yourself with that person in great detail. What are you doing together? How does it feel to be next to them? Spend a few minutes each day relaxing with your eyes closed, imagining your future life.[2]
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    • Use all 5 senses for your visualization. How does your partner smell? What does it feel like to hold their hand? To kiss them?
    • If visualization doesn’t come easily to you, try making a vision board, journaling about your dream relationship, or even narrating a scene with your future partner out loud. There are even experts out there who can guide you through the visualization process, like Keen’s Spiritual Love Advisors.
    • Visualizing helps you develop and hold onto positive emotions and optimism related to your manifesting. This positive energy will attract positive outcomes!
  3. Embody and radiate the love you want to attract. To find and accept the love you deserve from someone else, you need to feel it from yourself. Focus on loving yourself—pursue your passions, practice self-care, and have compassion for yourself when you feel down or insecure about a perceived flaw.[3]
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    • Remember that no one is perfect (not even the person you’re manifesting), so don’t let insecurities hold you back from looking for love. You’re worthy!
    • Use positive affirmations to boost your self-esteem. For example, tell yourself “I’m an interesting person with a lot to offer” every morning to fight feelings of inadequacy.
    • When you feel good about yourself, it shows! Others will notice your self-assuredness, joy, and positive energy—including the potential dates and lovers you’re manifesting.
  4. Make an action plan that aligns with your goal. A solid plan motivates you to get out there and do what it takes to find a relationship.[4] Make profiles on dating apps, ask friends to set you up with potential dates, or work on striking up conversations with strangers so you have the confidence to flirt with that eye-catching person across the bar.
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    • Make your goals specific so you can keep yourself accountable. For example, if you’re trying to go on more dates, you might set a goal of going on 2 per week.
    • Make your first step something small and manageable to boost your confidence. Maybe it’s simply to pick out a go-to first date outfit you feel attractive in to get more excited about dating.
    • You can always adjust your action plan as you find what works for you. Maybe you absolutely hate the dating apps you downloaded—it’s OK to delete them and try to meet people in other ways.
    • If you need help coming up with a plan that works, don’t worry. A Keen Advisor can work with you to create a tailored action plan that’s effective and right for your unique situation.
  5. Surrender yourself to new opportunities and surprises along the way. Do your best to enjoy the manifestation process instead of fixating on the future outcome. Your future relationship aside, your efforts will also help you meet new people, try new things, and grow as a person.[5] Say “yes” to more things and see what happens when you live in the moment; it might just be the key to finding your perfect match.
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    • Obsessing over the outcome injects negativity into your manifestation, which can make it take longer to work.
    • When you feel frustrated, remember that the lessons you learn along the way—how to be confident, how to love yourself, and more—can be just as valuable and life changing as your future relationship.
  6. Stay optimistic and believe that you’ll find your perfect match. When you truly believe you can achieve your goal of manifesting a relationship, you become more hardworking, positive, and attuned to potential matches or date opportunities. It’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy; knowing you’ll get what you want makes you primed and ready to go get it.[6]
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    • This is known as a growth or abundance mindset. When you feel positive about reaching a goal, you get more creative in how you achieve it and are more likely to attract success.
    • If you find yourself faltering, look back on all the progress you’ve made so far. Are you dating more? Feeling more confident or sure of what you want? These are all signs your efforts are paying off!

[Edit]Need Help Manifesting Love? Chat with a Keen Advisor

  1. Manifesting relationships may seem daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. Did you know that you can get personalized guidance on finding your soulmate from one of Keen’s expert Love & Relationship Advisors? Keen’s empathetic, supportive Advisors are available anytime, day or night, and sessions are 100% confidential with a satisfaction guarantee. Plus, you can get a 5-minute reading for only $1. Click here to try Keen and redeem this special offer for new customers and discover more about your love life with a personalized reading.
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[Edit]What is manifestation and how does it work?

  1. Manifestation is the process of turning your thoughts into reality. Manifesting works when you align your conscious thoughts, feelings, and actions toward achieving a goal. By shifting your priorities and mindset with your goal in mind, you open yourself up to opportunities to make your wishes come true.[7]
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    • This is why manifesting is closely linked to using the Law of Attraction. By radiating optimism and working for what you want, you’ll attract your desire (like a relationship) into your life.
    • The Law of Attraction and manifestation can work both ways: positive thoughts and actions will bring positive results, while negative thoughts will lead to negative outcomes.
    • Taking aligned action is crucial to manifesting. Manifestation is not magic and isn’t as likely to work without some genuine effort to get what you want.

[Edit]Can you manifest a specific person?

  1. Yes, you can manifest a specific individual—but it’s not always wise. If you’re infatuated with someone, it’s natural to want to be in a relationship with them. However, remember that they have free will and their own desires, energy, or goals in life may not match up with yours. You may also be seeing them through rose-tinted glasses; once you’re dating, you may realize they’re not as good of a fit for you as you thought.[8]
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    • Manifesting a specific person doesn’t violate their free will or give you bad karma. They can make their own choices, and they wouldn’t pursue or go on a date with you if they didn’t want to on some level.
    • Instead of manifesting the person, try manifesting someone who has the qualities of that person you’re attracted to—it may end up being them!
    • For example, if you’re attracted to someone for their great sense of humor and compassion, add those traits to your list of ideal characteristics for your partner. As you manifest, that specific person may enter your romantic life, or someone who has similar lovable qualities will.

[Edit]How long does it take to manifest a relationship?

  1. There’s no exact timeline for when your relationship will find you. Some people may find a partner in just a few weeks, while others may need several months or longer to find their ideal relationship. It all depends on what you’re looking for, how actively you’re pursuing it, and how long it takes to truly believe you’re worthy of love and to invite it into your life.
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    • For example, if you’re still hung up on an ex or feeling insecure, you may not find a meaningful relationship very quickly no matter how many dates you go on.
    • On the other hand, jumping into the dating pool with confidence, optimism, and a specific intention to find a loving partner will yield faster results.
    • Once you set your sights on love and align your thoughts and actions with it, your relationship could manifest at any time. Keep your eyes open and your heart full!
  2. Reexamine your goals and intentions if it feels like it’s taking too long. Patience is a virtue when it comes to manifesting, but if your intuition tells you things aren’t progressing like they should, you might just be trying to manifest the wrong thing at the wrong time. If you find yourself feeling stuck, a Keen Advisor can help you identify and overcome common roadblocks, like:
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    • Not quite being ready for a relationship. Maybe you’re still rebuilding your confidence after a breakup or struggling with a fear of commitment. Identify and address what’s holding you back to align your inner thoughts and feelings with your goal of finding love.
    • Manifesting the wrong person for you. Are you trying to get back with an ex who treated you poorly? Maybe you’re looking for the type of person you’re expected to be with and not who you truly want. Revisit your list of ideal traits in a partner and make some changes to reorient yourself toward someone who will love and support you.
    • Your perfect partner not being available yet. Maybe they’re in another relationship or live on the other side of the country right now. Don’t give up hope! Stay optimistic and trust that your genuine effort will attract the love of your life at the perfect moment for you both.

[Edit]Signs Your Manifestation Is Working

  1. {endbold}It may be tricky to tell whether your efforts are paying off while you work on manifesting a relationship. Every person’s journey is different, but here are some common signs that your hard work and positivity will bring you love and fulfillment:
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    • You’re meeting and dating people who you like and might be a fit for you, even if a relationship never materializes. This is a hint you’re on the right path.
    • You start feeling the love you crave before you even meet your person. This love and support might come from friends, family, or even yourself. Once you feel it, you can attract it!
    • You’re being “tested” by exes or old, bad habits. The universe is checking if you’ve grown and are ready for your true love. Stay strong and prove you won’t revert back to your old ways.
    • You just have a “gut feeling.” You feel optimistic, positive, or a general sense of peace. You’re not worried about finding a relationship because you know that it’s coming.[9]
    • You know what to do next. Consciously or subconsciously, you know who to talk to, where to go, or what to accomplish in order to find your person.
    • Negative things disappear and new opportunities arise. Draining people, habits, or feelings (like insecurity or a pesky ex) fade from your life while new chances for a relationship (like being asked out or passing a sign for a singles mixer) start popping up everywhere.



[Edit]Quick Summary

from How to of the Day https://ift.tt/ICWzZGt
via Peter

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