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Friday 26 April 2024

How to Get Whiter Teeth at Home

While you may want a mouth full of shiny, white teeth, a professional whitening treatment is expensive. Luckily, if your teeth aren't as white as you'd like them to be, there are some things you can try at home for a whiter smile. While none of these suggestions will work in the same way as a professional whitening service, they can help whiten your teeth and they won't cost you a fortune. Just remember to talk to your dentist before you try any home remedies to make sure they won't damage your teeth. With these simple steps, you can enjoy a whiter smile in a few weeks.


[Edit]Using Whitening Strips

  1. Get ADA-approved whitening strips. These kits contain 2 sets of strips that go on your upper and lower teeth. Go to your local pharmacy and check the tooth care section for whitening strips. Look for the American Dental Association seal of approval to demonstrate that this product is safe.
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  2. Brush and floss your teeth if the instructions tell you to. This removes any buildup on your teeth that could block the whitening gel or stop the strips from sticking properly. Brush, floss, and rinse your teeth normally before attaching the strips.[1]
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    • Not all whitening strips instruct you to brush your teeth first. Always check the instructions before you use them.
  3. Press the strips onto your teeth. Open your mouth and curl your lips back so you can see all your teeth. Peel the backing paper off one strip and press the sticky side down onto the front of your bottom teeth. Run your finger along the strip to make sure it sticks completely. If the strip sticks out above your teeth, fold that part over the top. Then do the same for your top teeth.[2]
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    • Most kits don’t have different strips for your top and bottom teeth, but double check anyway to make sure.
    • Wash your hands thoroughly before reaching into your mouth.
  4. Keep the strips attached for 10-45 minutes. The exact amount of time depends on how strong the whitening gel is, so leave them on for as long as the product instructs you to. While you wait, try lying back with your mouth slightly open so pull saliva away from your teeth.[3]
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    • Try to reduce the amount of times you swallow while the strips are attached. You might swallow some of the whitening chemicals, which could irritate your stomach.
    • Don’t eat or drink while the strips are attached. Leave them in place and don’t touch or adjust them.
  5. Peel the strips off when the regimen is finished. After the correct amount of time has passed, reach into your mouth to the end of the strip and peel it off gently. Do the same for the other strip. Throw both of them away and don’t reuse them.[4]
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    • Leaving the strips on longer than instructed doesn’t increase the whitening affect. It only makes the chemicals irritate your teeth and gums.
    • Make sure your hands are clean before reaching into your mouth. Wash them again if you’ve touched anything.
  6. Rinse your mouth to remove any leftover gel. Use water or a 50/50 water and mouthwash mixture. Swish the mixture around, focusing on the front of your teeth, to get any remaining gel off.[5]
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    • If you feel like more gel is stuck on your teeth, brush it off with your toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
    • Removing the leftover gel is important because you could end up with white specks around your teeth if you leave the gel on in some spots.
  7. Repeat the treatment as often as the product instructs you to. Different products have different instructions, ranging from twice a day for a week to once a day for 2 weeks. Double check the packaging and follow the treatment that you’re instructed to.[6]
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    • If at any point your teeth feel overly sensitive or irritated, stop using the whitening strips. Contact your dentist and ask what you should do.

[Edit]Cleaning Your Mouth with Whitening Products

  1. Use an ADA-approved whitening toothpaste. Some products on the market are designed for teeth whitening. Look for toothpastes containing baking soda or hydrogen peroxide, 2 main ingredients for whitening. Remember to check for the ADA seal and brush with the product like you normally would.
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    • Whitening toothpastes don’t produce immediate results. It’ll take a few weeks of brushing to scrub away tooth stains.[7]
    • Brushing harder won’t make your teeth whiter. In fact, this could damage your teeth because you’ll scrub away the enamel.[8]
  2. Brush your teeth with baking soda for a cheaper option. Whitening products can be expensive, and a simpler and more affordable option is using plain baking soda. Put a small spoonful of baking soda into a cup and add a few drops of water. Mix them together until the baking soda reaches a pasty consistency. Then dip your toothbrush in and brush your teeth normally.
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    • Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water or mouthwash after using baking soda. Leaving it on your teeth could cause irritation or erode the enamel.
    • You can also add baking soda to your regular toothpaste for a similar effect. Squeeze the normal amount on to your toothbrush and sprinkle some baking soda onto it before brushing.
  3. Rinse your mouth with a 1.5%-3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Many whitening products contain peroxide, and a low-concentration mixture can help whiten your teeth more cheaply. Pour the peroxide into a cup and dilute it with an equal amount of water. Then put some in your mouth after brushing and swish it around for 1-2 minutes. Spit it out and rinse your mouth with plain water.[9]
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    • Don’t swallow this mixture. It could irritate your stomach.
    • Most pharmacies and drug stores carry peroxide. Make sure to get a low concentration to avoid irritating your mouth.
    • You can also mix baking soda with peroxide instead of water to make a whitening toothpaste. Keep in mind that this mixture won’t taste very good, so dilute it with water if you find the flavor overwhelming.

[Edit]Practicing Good Oral Hygiene

  1. Brush and floss your teeth twice a day for the best dental health.[10] While brushing and flossing won't remove existing stains, good mouth hygiene is essential to preventing more staining and to keeping your teeth in excellent shape. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste for the best results. When you’re done, floss in between all your teeth to remove any leftover food.[11]
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    • The best times to brush are in the morning after breakfast and before you go to bed. If you prefer to brush 3 times, do so after lunch.
    • Wait at least 15 minutes before brushing your teeth after eating. This seems counterintuitive, but before this timeframe, the acid in your mouth is still active, and brushing can scrub off enamel.
    • Don’t brush more than 3 times per day. This can scrub off enamel and make your teeth weaker.
    • Floss at least once a day. A good time is at night, after brushing and before going to bed.
  2. Gargle with mouthwash to prevent stains from leftover bacteria. Brushing doesn’t remove all the bacteria in your mouth. After you brush, rinse your mouth for another minute using an ADA-approved mouthwash to prevent plaque from building up and staining your teeth.
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    • Remember to look for the ADA seal on any mouthwash products you use.
    • If the mouthwash is too strong or minty and burns your gums, dilute it with an equal amount of water.
  3. Schedule dental cleanings every 6 months to remove deep stains.[12] Have your dentist clean your teeth professionally at your regularly-scheduled appointments. This will help you maintain good dental hygiene, spot any cavities, and keep teeth white and healthy.[13]
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    • You can also consult your dentist about a professional teeth-whitening session or products to use at home.
  4. Limit your consumption of foods or beverages that stain your teeth.[14] The best way to keep your teeth white is prevent them from getting stained in the first place. Common items that stain your teeth are coffee (especially black coffee), red wine, and dark soda. Have these drinks less often to avoid staining your teeth.[15]
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    • Smoking also stains your teeth. Quit smoking or don’t start in the first place.[16]
    • If you’re drinking a cold, dark liquid, try using a straw to keep it away from your teeth.
  5. Avoid using any acidic or herbal whitening remedies.[17] There are many other DIY teeth whitening remedies on the internet. Most of these are not scientifically valid, and some are even harmful. Stick with products and methods approved by the ADA to avoid damaging your teeth.[18]
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    • A common suggestion is using lemon juice on your teeth. This is dangerous because lemons are very acidic and they could break down your tooth enamel.
    • Other remedies, like turmeric powder, have not been evaluated for effectiveness.

[Edit]Consulting Your Dentist if Needed

  1. Check with your dentist before you whiten your teeth. Talk to your dentist about the products you’re planning to use to whiten your teeth. They may be able to determine whether or they’ll be effective for your particular discoloration or safe for use.
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    • If you have any small cracks in your teeth, your dentist may advise against using whitening products. The chemicals could irritate the tooth pulp if it’s exposed.[19]
  2. Get medical care if your gums turn white or bleed. Whitening solutions can cause chemical burns on your gums which can make them appear white or cause them to be. This is usually harmless and clears up on its own, but you should still get it checked out to make sure there isn’t heavy damage. In the meantime, stop using any products that caused this.
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    • The tissue should return to normal after a few days.
  3. See a doctor if you experience severe stomach pain. Some whitening products can cause pain and inflammation in your stomach if you swallow it. Mild discomfort can be a normal side effect, but if you experience severe pain or diarrhea or vomiting that lasts longer than 2 days, visit a doctor to make sure there isn’t a serious problem.[20]
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    • Stop using the product if you experience severe pain, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  4. Talk to your dentist if your teeth become more sensitive. A possible side effect of whitening your teeth is that they could become more sensitive. Some sensitivity is normal, but if your teeth become extremely sensitive to heat or cold, talk to your dentist to make sure your teeth aren’t damaged.[21]
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    • The dentist may advise you to stop using whitening products or suggest a different one. Follow their instructions.

[Edit]Reader Videos


  • A professional whitening treatment will have better results than any home treatment. These are expensive, however.
  • Remember that baking soda has a strong flavor. You might want to add it to your toothpaste instead of using it plain.
  • Drink water after every time you eat. This neutralizes any acids and protects your enamel.
  • If food gets stuck in your teeth, get it out with floss so the food doesn't sit there.[22]
  • Remember that the color of your teeth doesn’t necessarily have any relation to your oral health. Teeth are naturally slightly yellow. Yellow teeth could be perfectly healthy, and shiny white teeth could have cavities.[23]


  • Read the instructions carefully when using commercial preparations for whitening teeth.
  • Don't brush too hard for a long term as it may damage your enamel (which is called abrasion), leading to hypersensitivity.
  • Baking soda can dissolve orthodontic glue. Do not use this method if you have braces or a permanent retainer.
  • Don’t use any fruit juices on your teeth, as some DIY-whitening guides tell you to. Fruit juice is very acidic and can break down your tooth enamel.[24]
  • Be careful not to swallow hydrogen peroxide during the whitening process. Swallowing it can cause severe stomach irritation.[25]

[Edit]Related wikiHows



[Edit]Quick Summary

  1. https://askthedentist.com/crest-whitestrips/
  2. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-teeth-whitening-safe/
  3. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-teeth-whitening-safe/
  4. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-teeth-whitening-safe/
  5. https://askthedentist.com/crest-whitestrips/
  6. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-teeth-whitening-safe/
  7. https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/patients-families/health-matters/june-2016/diy-teeth-whitening-too-good-to-be-true.aspx
  8. [v161351_b01]. 9 April 2020.
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24902405
  10. [v161353_b01]. 10 April 2020.
  11. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-teeth-whitening-safe/
  12. [v161353_b01]. 10 April 2020.
  13. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-teeth-whitening-safe/
  14. [v161353_b01]. 10 April 2020.
  15. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-teeth-whitening-safe/
  16. [v161351_b01]. 9 April 2020.
  17. [v161353_b01]. 10 April 2020.
  18. https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/patients-families/health-matters/june-2016/diy-teeth-whitening-too-good-to-be-true.aspx
  19. https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/patients-families/health-matters/june-2016/diy-teeth-whitening-too-good-to-be-true.aspx
  20. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-teeth-whitening-safe/
  21. https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/patients-families/health-matters/june-2016/diy-teeth-whitening-too-good-to-be-true.aspx
  22. https://www.mouthhealthy.org/en/nutrition/food-tips/water-best-beverage
  23. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003065.htm
  24. https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/patients-families/health-matters/june-2016/diy-teeth-whitening-too-good-to-be-true.aspx
  25. https://www.poison.org/articles/2012-jun/hydrogen-peroxide

from How to of the Day https://ift.tt/u8syk9K
via Peter

How to Get to Know Yourself

The question “Who am I?” can bring on a series of thoughts, emotions, and feelings, but what if you don’t know how to answer? Getting to know yourself is a life-long journey.[1] Feeling lost or confused about who you are is more common than you may think, and we’re here to help you find all the answers you’re looking for. In this article, we’ll take you through different ways of getting to know yourself. By practicing self-awareness, exploring your personality, and fulfilling your needs, you can discover who you truly are and build a lasting relationship with yourself. So, what are you waiting for? We have an identity to find!

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Question your thoughts, goals, and self-image to uncover how you view yourself.
  • Determine your personality type through questionnaires to find your sense of self.
  • Set boundaries for yourself to fulfill your wants, needs, relationships, and goals.


[Edit]Practicing Self-Awareness

  1. Be honest with yourself to learn about all aspects of your personality. Knowing yourself means recognizing different parts of your identity, personality, and being. The goal is not to criticize yourself but to acknowledge all sides of your personality. Open up to the possibility of learning new things about yourself.[2]
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    • Pay attention to the things that make you feel uncomfortable. These emotional signals can tell you if you’re trying to avoid something. Are you insecure about that characteristic? If so, how can you overcome it?
    • For example, if you don't like to look in the mirror, ask yourself why. Are you insecure about your looks? Are you worried about your age? This could be a fear you can conquer.
  2. Ask thoughtful questions about yourself and answer honestly. Pondering difficult personal questions and analyzing your answer can help you learn more about your interests, fears, and aspirations. Use what you learn from this activity to spend more time doing what you love and overcoming your fears. See how you respond to these questions:[3]
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    • What do I love doing?
    • What are my dreams?
    • What do I want my legacy to be?
    • What is my biggest criticism of myself?
    • What are some mistakes I’ve made?
    • How do others perceive me? How would I like them to perceive me?
    • Who is my role model?
  3. Pay attention to your inner voice to understand your perceptions. Your inner voice expresses your feelings and beliefs, defining how you see yourself. When something frustrates or delights you, it responds. Try to tune into that voice. What’s it saying? How does it perceive the world around you?[4]
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    • Go to the mirror and describe yourself out loud or in your head. Are the descriptions positive or negative? Are they focused on your looks or your actions?
    • When you start thinking negatively, stop yourself and question why you’re reacting that way.
  4. Write in a journal every day to process your thoughts and experiences. Journaling helps you recognize your motivations, emotions, and beliefs so that you can make thoughtful adjustments in your life. For a few minutes every day, write down what you did, felt, and thought throughout the day. If you had a negative experience, write down why it affected you. If you made a mistake, identify what you could do better.[5]
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    • Look for patterns in your writing. Over time, you may find yourself repeating specific needs and wants.
    • Write whatever is on your mind. Freewriting can help you unlock subconscious thoughts to help identify what’s bothering you.
    • Alternatively, you can use prompts to guide your writing. Choose prompts that ask you to describe certain parts of your personality or habits.
  5. Incorporate mindfulness into your day to live in the present moment. Mindfulness is the act of experiencing the present moment to help you understand your thoughts, actions, and motives. Most importantly, it's a state of attention to yourself and the world you’re experiencing. Practicing mindfulness can help you push aside distractions and check in with yourself even in the most hectic of times. Meditating and practicing yoga are both mindful activities, but being mindful can be incorporated into other parts of your daily routine. Check out these ways you can be more mindful:[6]
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    • Pause and observe the world around you. What can you touch, taste, hear, see, and smell?
    • Avoid eating meals at your computer or TV and focus on how the food tastes and feels in your mouth.
    • Take a walk and notice how the ground feels beneath your feet, where the sun is in the sky, and if birds are chirping.
  6. Question your body image to discover how you view yourself. Write a list of adjectives about the way you look. Are these negative or positive attributes? Can you rewrite the negative remarks in a more positive way? Confidence in your body can transfer to confidence in other parts of your life, so try to reframe hateful words into something loving.[7]
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    • If you have the thought, “My thighs are too big,” reframe it with, “My legs are strong and carry me where I want to go.”[8]
    • If you think, “I weigh too much,” change the thought to, “Weight is just a number, and I am more than a number.”

[Edit]Exploring Your Personality

  1. Think about the roles you play in your life to better understand your priorities. Everybody plays multiple roles in their life based on their relationships, work responsibilities, and social interactions. Sit down and make a list of your roles, then circle which ones mean the most to you. This can help you set priorities and help you recognize who you are. Some examples of roles include:[9]
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    • Parent
    • Friend
    • Team leader
    • Emotional support
    • Mentor/Mentee
    • Confidante
    • Creator
    • Problem solver
  2. Analyze the 6 elements of your personality to discover a sense of self. The 6 key elements to self-knowledge are values, interests, temperament, activities, life goals, and strengths—also known as the acronym VITALS. Answer the questions below that correspond with each element. Then, take a close look at your answers. What do they say about you?[10]
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    • Values: What is important to you? What characteristics do you prize in yourself and others?
    • Interests: What are you curious about? What do you like to do in your free time?
    • Temperament: What 10 words describe you best? How do you handle difficult situations or confrontations?
    • Activities: What are the most and least enjoyable parts of your day? Do you have any daily rituals?
    • Life goals: What have been the most important events of your life? Where do you see yourself in five years?
    • Strengths: What are your abilities, skills, and talents? What are you really good at?
  3. Take an online personality test to categorize your personality. While personality tests are not necessarily scientific, they do ask questions that make you consider other aspects of your character.[11] There are many reputable tests that you can take online, including:
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  4. Invite commentary from others to better understand yourself. While you shouldn’t define yourself by what other people think or say, asking others for their opinion can help you understand things about yourself you may not have realized before. Start by asking loved ones how they would define your personality or characteristics. This can open up meaningful discussion and help you see yourself from someone else’s perspective.[12]
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    • If you’re comfortable, ask your boss, mentor, or acquaintances about how they see you as an employee.
    • If you disagree with anyone’s observations, that’s okay! Take every comment with a grain of salt, and acknowledge that you’re ever-evolving.

[Edit]Fulfilling Your Needs

  1. Practice self-care to manage stress. It can be hard to find time to reflect on yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Taking care of yourself physically and mentally is essential to being the best version of you, so don’t forget to schedule time to do something for yourself. This can help you feel more at peace with life and yourself..[13]
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    • Try to exercise for at least 20 minutes every day. Go for a walk after lunch or do a quick yoga flow before breakfast.
    • Aim to get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night to wake up refreshed.
    • Eat a healthy diet made up of unprocessed fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
    • Find time to relax and unwind. Try meditating, knitting, working on a puzzle, or reading a book.
  2. Create a good work-life balance to avoid burnout. Rather than taking work with you on the way home, leave it at the office door. Your worth doesn’t have to be defined by your job, and neither does your life. Take some time each day to focus on other goals, hobbies, and interests outside of work.[14]
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    • Set boundaries with family, friends, and coworkers to ensure you maintain a healthy space at home and in the office.
  3. Establish boundaries in your relationships to understand your limits. Ask yourself what types of situations make you feel uncomfortable. For example, do you dislike crowds? Are there certain jokes that unsettle you? Identifying painful triggers can help you cultivate an environment you’re happy and safe in.[15]
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    • Consider if there’s anyone in your life who asks too much of you or makes you do things you don't want to. How far are you willing to go to please them?
    • Be firm when setting boundaries, and don’t ever apologize for saying “no” to interactions or situations that may make you feel off—you know what’s best for you!
  4. Set goals to give yourself something to achieve. Think about where you want to see yourself in 5 days, months, or years. What goals can you make to turn that vision into your reality? These goals don’t have to be big; they can be as simple as making the bed every morning. Write down your goals and refer to them whenever you feel lost, remembering to take each day one step at a time.[16]
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    • For instance, maybe you want to write a book. Start a goal to write 500 words a day.
    • Perhaps you want to make the largest cake for your nephew’s birthday. Set a goal to practice a new decorating skill every weekend.
    • Your goals may change over time, and that’s perfectly okay! People change and grow with time, so don’t be afraid to alter your visions and follow new dreams.


  • Make sure you’re open to testing out different methods, and throwing out the ones that don’t serve you. Get experimental on your self-discovery journey and know that there’s no failures, only different paths of discovery.[17]

[Edit]Reader Videos




[Edit]Quick Summary

from How to of the Day https://ift.tt/uZ7oS4J
via Peter

How to Happy Birthday Husband Funny

Unique, witty birthday tributes for that special man in your life

Looking to make your husband laugh out loud with a funny birthday message? Whether you’d like to tease him about his age, remind him of your favorite inside joke, or use witty wordplay to show how much you adore him, there are tons of ways to make your husband feel special on his birthday. Feel free to use these messages as they are or customize them to celebrate your husband’s unique personality. Let’s get started!


[Edit]“Better "over the hill" than under it. Happy Birthday!”

  1. Joke about your husband’s age with a silly message. Not all of us enjoy growing older, but that doesn’t mean you can’t joke about it! Make your husband laugh on his special day and poke fun at his age to remind him that turning a year older isn’t really that bad after all.[1]
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    • “Age is just another high score. Happy birthday!”
    • “Happy birthday! Focus more on the wonderful memories and less on your gray hair!”
    • “Someday, you will tell me how you survived the dinosaurs! Happy birthday, my love!”
    • “Happy birthday to a man who really is younger than he looks!”
    • “You can cross “dying young” off your list of stuff to worry about. Happy birthday, honey!”
    • “I think you're supposed to get wiser with age? But that's okay, there's always next year! Happy birthday.”
    • “You're so old, you still remember when Netflix sent DVDs. Happy birthday, love!”
    • “Please stop aging so gracefully. It’s getting kind of boring and predictable. Happy birthday!”
    • “Don't forget to wear your sunglasses when they light the candles! Happy birthday, dear.”
    • “It's okay to light the candles on your birthday cake—I've already alerted the fire department. Happy birthday, darling!”

[Edit]“Lucky for you, I love older men. Happy birthday, love.”

  1. Celebrate growing old together with a hilarious birthday message. Birthdays can be a great time to remind the ones you love about what really matters—your relationship together. Wish your husband a happy birthday by teasing him about all the years you’ve spent (or the years you’re going to spend) together.
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    • “How many birthdays have we spent together now? I guess it’s official—you’re stuck with me.”
    • “I’m so glad we’re going to grow old together and that you have a head start. Happy birthday.”
    • “It's amazing how long we've put up with each other. Happy birthday, honey!”
    • “Congrats on making it another year without killing me in my sleep. Happy birthday, my love!”
    • “Another year until we’re terrorizing the nursing home together! Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
    • “We’re a match made in heaven, and we’ll only get crazier with time. Happy birthday, babe!”
    • “It’s rude that you’re younger than me, but okay. Happy birthday, hubbie!”
    • “Wishing a fantastic birthday to my love! No one else would take you, so I guess we should plan on spending our lives together!”
    • “I’m looking forward to growing old with you—oh, wait! We’re already there! Happy birthday.”

[Edit]“Happy birthday to the only person I'll share my fries with. I love you, baby.”

  1. Make a little joke to let your husband know how much he means to you. Does your husband let you sneak a bite off his plate? Does he make a great hand warmer when it’s cold outside? Would he be a great partner on your favorite game show? Make your husband chuckle by pointing out all the ways he’s contributed to your life.
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    • “Happy birthday to my best friend and my favorite foot warmer—my handsome, amazing husband!”
    • “I feel like I can be completely myself around you (sorry about that). Happy birthday!”
    • “Happy birthday to the only person I would bring with me during a zombie apocalypse.”
    • “Happy birthday to my incredible husband. Here’s to another year of us laughing at our own jokes, dealing with stupid people, and keeping each other sane.”
    • “I love you more than coffee and chocolate… which is a lot. Happy birthday!”
    • “Happy birthday to my love. I’m so thankful to have someone to annoy for the rest of your life!”

[Edit]“Smart, good-looking, and funny… but enough about me. Happy birthday!”

  1. Let your husband know how lucky he is to have you on his birthday. Birthdays can be a great way to shower your husband with love, but they can also be a perfect way to remind him just how lucky he is to have a spouse like you.
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    • “You have got a birthday wish from someone as special as me, what more can you ask for? Happy birthday!”
    • “You’re by far my favorite husband—no one else comes close! Happy birthday!”
    • “I searched and searched for the perfect birthday gift then remembered you already have me.”
    • “Happy birthday! I hope you don’t mind, but I re-wrapped the gift you gave me last year. You’re going to love it!”
    • “I think me being your spouse is enough of a gift. You’re welcome.”
    • “Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I realize I put up with you, so we’re even!”
    • “Don’t worry about paying rent this year! You can live inside my heart for free. Happy birthday, freeloader.”
    • “I’m happy to make today all about you (as long as we both know the other 364 days are all about me). Happy birthday, babe!”
    • “Happy birthday from the best decision you ever made.”
    • “You already have me, what else could you wish for? Happy birthday, sweetie.”

[Edit]“Happy birthday from the person who tolerates your snoring and loves you anyway.”

  1. Poke fun at your husband with an inside joke you share together. Like a rollercoaster, every relationship has its ups and downs—what matters is that you’re both laughing and screaming together. Celebrate your husband’s special day by making fun of the things that drive you crazy or with an inside joke the two of you have together.
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    • “For your birthday this year, I promise to go one night without putting my icy cold feet on you while we're cuddling.
    • “Happy birthday to the man who makes my heart skip a beat, but forgets where he put his car keys. Love you!”
    • “To the person I love the most, even when I’m hangry. Happy birthday, lover!”
    • “Happy birthday to the best husband ever (except when you’re really annoying)!”
    • “Happy birthday, darling! You’re the love of my life, the apple of my eye, and the pain in my neck—but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

[Edit]“Wishing you the most mild of hangovers tomorrow morning!”

  1. Encourage your husband to party like it’s his birthday (because it is). Planning a night on the town for your husband’s special day? Write a funny message to let him know how excited you are to celebrate his special night.
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    • “Don’t worry about your age… alcohol can make it all better! Happy birthday, my love.”
    • “It's time to get this party started! But seriously, let's go—we both know you can't stay up past 10 p.m.”
    • “On your birthday, you can eat all the cake you want… as long as you share it with me! I love you, baby!”
    • “Here’s to another year of questionable decisions! Happy birthday, hubbie!”
    • “Birthday candles aren’t the only thing getting lit this weekend. Happy birthday, honey!”
    • “Your birthday is the best excuse to party on a weekday! Happy birthday, my love!”
    • “Let’s have so much fun, you’ll think it’s my birthday and buy me drinks all night. Happy birthday!”

[Edit]“I hope you have a birthday as unforgettable as you are.”

  1. Write a silly flirty message to let your husband know he rocks your world. What better way to let your husband know you love him than to flirt a little and boost his self esteem? Show him your fun, flirty side with a sweet and silly compliment.[2]
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    • “Sorry, honey, I can’t help you blow out your candles today—you’ve taken all my breath away! Happy birthday.
    • “You suck at aging! Can you at least try to look older? Happy birthday, Handsome!”
    • “I think there’s something wrong with my eyes—I just can’t take them off the birthday boy. Happy birthday, sweetheart!”
    • “You are gorgeous, but you look even better in your birthday suit. 😉 Happy birthday, darling!”
    • “Just two words: ‘Happy birthday.’ Actually, I have three more: ‘I love you.’”
    • “I wanted to give you all my love for your birthday, but I couldn’t find a big enough box. Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
    • “I’m a thief, but I’m not here to steal your presents—I’m here for your heart only. Happy birthday, honey!”
    • “You can blow out your candles, but nothing can ever extinguish the sparks between us. I love you, my dear!”
    • “I know it’s your birthday, but I still think you should be placed under arrest for stealing my heart. 😉 Happy birthday, my love!”
    • “How do you expect me to remember your birthday when you don’t look any older? Happy birthday, baby.”

[Edit]“Happy birthday to my otter half.”

  1. Use a pun to make your husband smile on his special day. Puns aren’t just restricted to Valentine’s cards—they can also be a great way to add humor and wit to a birthday card to your spouse. Pick a pun that relates to your husband’s interests, personality, or hobbies to really make him smile.[3]
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    • “Happy birthday to the peanut butter to my jelly. I’m completely nuts about you. 🥜”
    • “I know this is cheesy, but I always melt around you! 🧀 Happy birthday to my feta half.”
    • “You must be glue because I’m sticking with you. Happy birthday, babe!”
    • “You’re the apple of my pie. Happy birthday! 🥧”
    • “How do 2 pickles celebrate their years together? They relish each other. 🥒 Happy birthday!”
    • “If you were a Sharpie, you’d be “super fine.” Happy birthday, my love!”
    • “You’re the loaf of my life, and we’re butter together. 🍞 Happy birthday!”
    • “We’re the perfect blend—I love you a latte. ☕ Happy birthday, sweetheart!”

[Edit]“Happy birthday to an oldie, but goodie!”

  1. Wish your husband a happy birthday with a funny social media caption. Looking for a funny message to add to your Instagram post? Once you’ve selected a couple of your favorite pictures of him, celebrate your husband’s birthday with one of these hilarious captions.[4]
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    • “Another year older, but definitely not any wiser. Happy birthday!”
    • “We’re both getting old, but who’s counting? Happy birthday, love!”
    • “Whoever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks never met you. HBD, honey!”
    • “Happy birthday to my favorite human pillow!”
    • “Time to celebrate the only other birthday as important as mine.”
    • “Don’t worry about your age, you get a new one every year. Love you, babe!”
    • “No need for b-day candles—you’ve already set my heart on fire.”
    • “I love you almost as much as the cake! Happy birthday, my dear.”
    • “It’s a national holiday! Happy birthday to my amazing husband.”

[Edit]“You’re only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.” —Ogden Nash

  1. Include a funny quote in your birthday wishes. Still not sure what to include in your husband’s birthday card? Try sending him one of these amusing quotes to make him feel loved on his special day.
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    • “Middle age is when you still believe you’ll feel better in the morning." ―Bob Hope
    • “Eventually you reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it." ―Will Rogers
    • “The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age." ―Lucille Ball
    • “The older you get the better you get. Unless you are a banana." ―Betty White
    • “I’m at an age when my back goes out more than I do." ―Phyllis Diller
    • “I was brought up to respect my elders, so now I don’t have to respect anybody.” —George Burns
    • “The old believe everything; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything.” —Oscar Wilde
    • “As you get older, three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two.” —Sir Norman Wisdom
    • “Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.” —Tom Wilson


from How to of the Day https://ift.tt/dzvRK1J
via Peter

Thursday 25 April 2024

How to Read Body Language

Reading body language, or non-verbal cues, is a way to infer things about people you see around you or have interactions with. When you know how to do it, reading body language can tell you a lot about someone's feelings, mental state, or what they really mean when they’re speaking (especially if they’re lying). Understanding non-verbal communication can even help you connect better with people and build better relationships, so take some notes!


[Edit]Understanding Body Language

  1. Get to know a person's "baseline" behavior. Everyone has their own unique quirks and habits. Knowing how they usually act can help you recognize when they're behaving unusually so you can investigate if something's wrong.
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    • For example, if your daughter is usually excited and chatty after school, but she comes home listless and quiet one day, then something is probably bothering her.
    • Or if a guy you know usually keeps his hands to himself, but keeps finding reasons to touch you, it might mean you are special to him.
  2. Know that body language isn't quite universal. People are diverse. Cultural norms and developmental disabilities can impact someone's body language. For example, if you assume that people who avoid eye contact are always untrustworthy, you're going to misjudge a lot of innocent people.
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    • "Trusting your instincts" may not work perfectly if you're a neurotypical interacting with a neurodivergent person (e.g. an autistic person). Many of them struggle with being misjudged when they're doing their best. It's better to give them some leeway and get to know them for who they are.
  3. Pay attention to multiple cues before you jump to conclusions. It's easy to misread small things, so look for more than one cue.
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    • It's especially important to be cautious before accusing someone of lying. If you're wrong, you may hurt your relationship, so don't rush into it.
  4. Don't be afraid to ask people what's up. Asking questions can help you understand them and could even bring you closer. Invite people to tell you what's going on with them. Here are some examples of things you could say:
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    • "You keep glancing at the clock. Do you need to be somewhere? We can catch up later."
    • "You keep fidgeting and wincing at noises. Is it too loud in here? We could go sit outside instead."
    • "Hey, I'm getting the impression you might be avoiding Pat. Am I mixed up, or is he bugging you? I could make an excuse for us to go home."
    • "Hey, I'm having a hard time reading you right now. Is something wrong? I'm here to listen about anything you'd like to tell me about."

[Edit]Facial Cues

  1. Eye direction: Neurotypical people tend to look at what captures their attention. If someone looks at you most of the time, then they're probably paying attention to you. If they keep looking at a clock, they might be worried about the time. In group settings, someone who keeps looking at someone else might think this person is especially important to them.
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    • Looking down can be a sign that someone feels shy or insecure.
    • Staring into space can be a sign that someone isn't paying attention. However, this can be normal for neurodivergent people who don't want to get overwhelmed.[1] Use other cues to help give you the full picture.
  2. Eye contact: Eye contact varies by person and culture, but sometimes you can make inferences. How much eye contact a person makes can offer clues into how interested and comfortable they are right now. It's also handy to know their baseline, because some people naturally make more eye contact than others do.
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    • Intense eye contact: Some liars make lots of eye contact because they think it makes them seem honest. Socially awkward people also may overdo eye contact because they think they're supposed to.
    • "Normal" eye contact: The person is likely paying attention to you. While it can be politeness, it may also be a sign that they're enjoying the conversation.[2] They might even be into you romantically!
    • Rare/no eye contact: The person might be shy, intimidated by you, overwhelmed, or just avoidant of eye contact in general. Sometimes, it's a sign that they could use some help to get more comfortable (whether it's a reassuring word or moving to somewhere quieter).
  3. Raised eyebrows: Raised eyebrows are another common facial cue that someone is feeling uncomfortable. Worry, surprise, and fear are all types of discomfort, so when someone raises their eyebrows, they might be feeling any of these emotions.[3]
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    • Raised eyebrows can also be a sign of insincerity. For example, if someone compliments your outfit with their eyebrows raised, they might not really mean it.
    • Other times, people may raise their eyebrows when they feel curious.
  4. Crow’s feet: When a smile is genuine, the corners of their eyes crinkle. When someone is forcing a fake smile, these crow’s feet don’t appear. Eyes don’t lie![4]
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    • Look at a posed photo where everyone’s smiling on command to get an idea of what it looks like when smiles are forced.
  5. Clenched jaw and furrowed brow: Together, these are often an indication that someone is feeling stressed or worried. People often tighten their neck along with their jaw and their brow, so they might rub their neck involuntarily when they’re stressed, too.[5]
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    • For example, if you’re a manager and you ask a subordinate to work over the weekend, a clenched jaw and furrowed brow might show you that the proposal stresses them out. You might want to reconsider asking them to do you the favor!
  6. Grimacing: Grimacing is when someone’s muscles around the mouth start pulling back. This kind of grimacing reaction can show you that someone is panicking or feeling uncomfortable inside. Many facial cues such as this, known as microexpressions, are involuntary, so you can tell the truth about how someone is really feeling by observing them.[6]
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    • People may also show microexpressions of discomfort or fear when they’re lying. So, be wary if someone starts grimacing when they’re telling you something!


  1. Crossed arms and legs: In a conversation or a meeting, these non-verbal cues can often indicate resistance to your ideas. Many people do this involuntarily, which is a symbol of being mentally, physically, and emotionally blocked off from someone.[7] It could also mean that a person feels insecure or guarded.
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    • For example, if you’re in a business negotiation and the other party has their arms crossed, they might not be liking what you’re proposing.
    • However, this can also just be a sign that they think the room is a little chilly. See if their other cues match.
  2. Pointing: When people make hand gestures, they usually point in the direction of someone they like or share an understanding with. Watching where someone points when they gesture can be a great way to figure out with who they share a close connection within a group setting![8]
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    • For example, if you’re in a business meeting and the person talking tends to gesture towards someone sitting off to their left, you might want to pay attention to what that person has to say later on.
  3. Fidgeting: Fidgeting with hands or legs is often a sign of anxiety or boredom. On the other hand, if someone is sitting with their hands quietly in their lap and their legs still, they’re probably relaxed and content.[9]
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    • While some people take fidgeting as a sign of lying, there are many honest reasons for fidgeting too. Avoid jumping to conclusions.
    • People with disabilities like autism and ADHD may fidget more often. This could be a sign of restlessness, but it could also just be their way of improving their focus or staying calm. Intense fidgeting may be a sign they're struggling to stay calm and may need a break or a quieter environment.
  4. Self-touching: Touching yourself, from crossing your arms to curling your hand at your chest, can feel comforting. Frequent self-touching may signal that someone is trying to be brave despite feeling a little nervous or insecure. It could also mean they're trying to stay awake while sleepy, or even that they're flirting.
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    • Make sure to rely on other cues, too. Someone who crosses their arms may be stressed, but they could also just be feeling cold and trying to keep warm.
  5. Timing of hand gestures: Liars often use hand gestures after they speak to try and add to the story and make it more believable. When someone’s speaking truthfully, they often use hand gestures at the same time they speak.[10]
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    • This is because, when someone’s telling a lie, their mind is too busy making up the story to use hand gestures at the same time.

[Edit]Posture and Position

  1. Tall posture: When people stand up straight with their shoulders back, it’s a power posture that shows they’re confident or in charge. On the other hand, a slouching posture projects less power and could be a sign of resignation or lack of confidence.[11]
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    • For example, if someone walks into a room and you immediately feel like they’re in charge, take a look at their posture. They’re probably standing up very erectly!
  2. Mirrored body language: If someone is mirroring your body language, it can be an unconscious sign that they’re feeling a connection with you. Mirrored body language is a good sign that a conversation or interaction is going well.[12]
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    • For example, if someone leans their head the same way as you when you’re talking or shifts their legs in the same direction as you, that’s mirrored body language.
  3. Open posture: An open posture, like throwing both hands up in the air, can be a sign of leadership. Or, sitting with the legs and arms spread out to either side can be a display of confidence.[13]
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    • For example, when an athlete wins a sports competition, they often throw both hands in the air because they feel confident and dominant.
  4. Leaning and turning: People tend to get close to things that interest them and lean or turn away from things they aren't interested in. If someone leans towards you, then they're probably interested in what you're saying (or just interested in you in general). If they're leaning or turning away, then they might like an opportunity to end the conversation.
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    • Leaning or turning away doesn't always mean they dislike you. They could feel overwhelmed in general, be in the wrong mood for talking (e.g. if they think they might be running late), or think you don't smell good and need a shower. See if they act this way during multiple conversations or if this is just a bad time.
  5. Proximity: Proximity is how close a person is to you. If someone stands or sits close to you, chances are they view you favorably! But, if someone moves away or backs up when you get close to them, they might not have such a high opinion of you.[14]
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    • You can also observe how close 2 other people are to each other to try and infer what their relationship is.



  • If you want to learn more about body language, including advanced reading techniques, there are many expert-written books about the subject.


  • Do not judge a person solely by their body language. Remember that body language is not the sole indicator of someone's status, emotional state, or their relationship with you.

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[Edit]Quick Summary

from How to of the Day https://ift.tt/jM5Q7uy
via Peter
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