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Tuesday 14 June 2016

How to Yarn Bomb

Yarn bombing is a new, cozier alternative to graffiti and other street art. If you already have a talent for yarn-based crafting, you can now use those talents to brighten the dull, ordinary appearance of your neighborhood.


EditPart One: Planning the Yarn Bomb

  1. Understand yarn bombing. Yarn bombing is one of the newest trends in street art. A yarn bombing artist chooses a plain structure and uses it as a canvas to display a beautiful work of yarn-based art.
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    • Most yarn bombs are created through knitting and crocheting, but technically, any form of street art that uses yarn can be considered a yarn bomb. This includes pieces made with latch hook, cross stitch, or simple wrapping techniques.
    • The phenomenon started in the Netherlands in 2004. Since then, it has spread across the world, but has mostly been limited to big cities.
  2. Get ideas. If yarn bombing is big in your city, you can get inspiration from the work of local artists. If you don't see much yarn bombing where you live, though, you can still get ideas by looking for yarn bombing photographs online.[1][2]
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    • Some of the most popular large objects include trees, signs, statues, fences and benches. For something on a smaller scale, you could yarn bomb stones or pine cones.
  3. Find an object to yarn bomb. Keep an eye out for simple, plain objects that might benefit from a bit of yarn bombing artwork. You can start in your own backyard, or you can venture out into your neighborhood.
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    • Look close to home. Notice the objects you pass on the street during your daily routine and pick from among those. Yarn bombing close to home will make it easier to plan the project and to keep an eye on the finished work after installing it.
    • Choose something manageable. If you're just starting out, you probably should avoid yarn bombs on statues with intricate parts or any other major endeavor. Start with something simple. If you have success with that, you can gradually work your way up to more challenging projects.
    • For larger yarn bombs, frequently a knitting or other fiber arts circle will plan a larger yarn bomb as a project, with each person either creating a certain number of pre-sized squares to be assembled quilt-style on the object being bombed, or with each person being responsible for one part of the bomb, i.e. an arm for a sweater for a statue, or one sign post covering for a group of signs. In this way, the amount of work doesn’t become overwhelming for one person and can be a fun project to share with your knitting or fiber arts compadres!
    • Make sure that you will be able to secure the yarn around the object well enough to prevent it from falling down, though. On a tree, horizontal branches can prevent the work from slipping down the trunk of the tree. On a street sign, however, you would need to figure out a way to attach extra strings through holes in the post or around the sign to prevent the yarn bomb from slipping down the pole.
  4. Get the permission you need. If you plan to yarn bomb something on your own property, you won't need any permission to do so. For objects on others' private property or on public property, however, you'll need to get permission to create your piece from the appropriate sources.[3]
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    • The element of surprise can make the experience more fun, but you should make sure that anyone who needs to know about it knows about it beforehand.
      • Ask your neighbor before yarn bombing his tree.
      • Get permission from the property owner or your boss before yarn bombing the parking signs in your company parking lot.
      • Ask the local art council or city council before yarn bombing a bench in a local park or a city parking meter.
  5. Plan on taking it down later. Yarn bombing is not meant to be a permanent form of artwork. When you plan the creation of your work, you'll also need to plan on taking it down.
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    • Even the best yarn bombs have a limited life span. Rain, wind, and dirt can quickly strike the object, causing it to become grungy and frayed within a few short weeks.
    • To maximize the beauty of the work and avoid complaints, it is best to plan on removing the yarn bomb before this happens or before the destruction gets too bad.

EditPart Two: Creating the Yarn Bomb

  1. Take measurements.[4] Visit the object you plan to yarn bomb and use a cloth tape measure to determine the dimensions of that object. You will need precise measurements to create a snug piece.
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    • For large objects, you need to measure the width, height, and depth of the object. If the object is round, you will need to measure the circumference instead of the depth.
    • Measure each part of the object that will be included in the yarn bomb. For instance, if you are yarn bombing a tree, measure the trunk and all of the branches you plan to use, as well as the spaces in between branches. You will also need to measure parts along the same trunk or branch where the circumference varies.
    • Make sure that you are using a fabric measuring tape as you take your measurements. This type of measuring tape gives you greater flexibility when you measure oddly shaped objects.
  2. Draw a diagram of the object. Sketch out the object on a sheet of paper and mark down the appropriate dimensions in the appropriate places. You can use this diagram to help you plan out how many pieces you'll need for the final work and how those pieces will fit together.
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    • Some people find it easiest to collect the measurements before making the diagram, while others may find it easier to make the diagram first and mark the measurements down later. Work in whichever order makes sense to you.
    • It might help to make several copies of your diagram. Doing so will allow you to sketch different design ideas without ruining or obscuring your measurements.
  3. Determine which technique to use. As noted elsewhere in this article, knit and crochet pieces are the most common, but you can actually use any technique that allows you to work with yarn. Simply choose whichever technique appeals to you most.
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    • If you are yarn bombing a three-dimensional object, like a tree, street sign, stone, or statue, it will be easiest to crochet or knit the piece.
    • If you are yarn bombing something with a wire grid, like a fence or park bench, cross stitch and latch hook techniques will work best.
  4. Design the piece. Once you have the technical stuff figured out, you will need to figure out the aesthetic, artistic aspect of your yarn bomb. Think about the colors and patterns you want to include.
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    • You could technically yarn bomb something in a single color, but many of the most notable yarn bombs arrange multiple colors in a simple or complex pattern. When using multiple colors, make sure that the colors will look good together. You should also consider whether or not the colors will look good in their final surroundings.
    • Ask yourself why you are creating the yarn bomb. If you have a message or a theme in mind, you should build the design around that theme.
    • Determine whether the piece will be one large work or several patchwork pieces stitched together. If it will be the latter, plan out the color of each patchwork piece and sketch out how the pieces should fit together. Do a few calculations to determine the dimensions of all pieces before making any of them.
  5. Create the yarn bomb. After you plan out the design and dimensions of your yarn bomb, you will need to actually create the pieces. Each piece will be created separately and away from the actual object you plan to yarn bomb.
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    • When you create a knit or crochet piece, you will actually be making two-dimensional pieces that will wrap around the three-dimensional object to create a final three-dimensional effect.
    • If you are yarn bombing with latch hook, cross stitch, or wrapping, you will not create the piece prior to installation. For these methods, you will create the piece as you install it.
    • Measure each piece after you create it to verify that it matches the dimensions you measured and calculated earlier.
    • If you are creating a large patchwork piece, you might be able to stitch the pieces together before installing it as long as those pieces form a single two-dimensional work of yarn.

EditPart Three: Installing the Yarn Bomb

  1. Go during the best time of day. In some instances, it might be best to install the yarn bomb during daylight hours. Other times, you might find it more beneficial to install it at night, when few others are around to interfere.
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    • Yarn bombing during the day will likely make it impossible to remain anonymous, but if secrecy is not important to you, the daylight will make it much easier to see.
    • If you want to remain anonymous, you will need to pick a time of day when very few people are likely to be around. Usually, this means installing the yarn bomb at night.
  2. Bring everything you might need. Aside from your yarn artwork and installation tools, you may also need to bring a few helpers with you.
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    • You will need to bring a yarn needle, matching yarn, and scissors to actually install a crocheted or knitted piece. If you are latch hooking or cross stitching, bring the tools you would usually use to create a piece of this nature.
    • Take your diagram, as well, so that you can check your work against it as you move through the installation.
    • You should also bring along a ladder if you need to reach tall places and a flashlight if you are working at night.
    • Even if you think you can install the yarn bomb on your own, it is a wise idea to bring at least one friend with you if you are doing the work in the evening or at night.
  3. Wrap each piece around the object. Use your diagram as a guide as you wrap each piece of yarn artwork around the appropriate part of the object. Hold each piece in place with safety pins until all of the pieces are in their correct position.
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    • If you are cross stitching, latch hooking, or wrapping, you won't have any previously created pieces to wrap around the work. Instead, you will need to use the object itself as your canvas and create the entire work on scene.
  4. Sew seams to install the yarn bomb. Use additional yarn and a large yarn needle to stitch all the seams together, holding the yarn bomb in place more securely. Once everything is in place, you can remove the safety pins previously responsible for holding the pieces together.
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    • Use a simple stitch to make the process as easy and quick as possible. For instance, a whip stitch is usually a good choice.
  5. Never cause any property damage. It is crucial that you do not cause any damage to anyone's property while installing your yarn bomb.
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    • Aside from man-made property, like benches and signs, you should also avoid damaging the plants and animals living in the area.[5]

EditPart Four: Enjoying the Experience

  1. Take pictures. Take pictures of the process and of the final result. If you install the yarn bomb while it is still light outside, you should snap a photo as soon as the installation is complete.
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    • After you install the piece, you should take pictures as soon as possible before any damage comes to it.
    • If you want to remain anonymous, do not declare that you are the one responsible for the yarn bomb on any public forum, including social media accounts with strict privacy settings. If you absolutely must take credit for the work, wait until after you've taken it down before announcing your role.
  2. Check on your yarn bomb later. Return to your yarn bomb a few hours or days later to check on it. Viewing your yarn bomb anonymously can also help you learn about the honest reactions of people on the street who are viewing the artwork for the first time.
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  3. Ask for feedback. While anonymous feedback is great, you should also ask for feedback on your yarn bomb from people who know that you were the one to create it.
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    • It's best to start with people who already knew about the intended yarn bomb or those who you believe can keep the yarn bomb a secret.
    • After you've removed the yarn bomb or have otherwise indulged in a satisfactory amount of anonymity, you can begin asking strangers and acquaintances for their opinions. Get opinions from the artistically inclined as well as the everyday passerby.
  4. Take it down according to your schedule. As noted earlier, a yarn bomb is not meant to be a permanent structure. It is best to remove your yarn bomb before it starts to deteriorate too dramatically.
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    • Know that someone else may remove your yarn bomb before you have the opportunity to do so. People who find the yarn bomb an annoyance may cut it down prematurely. The city may also choose to remove it if they get complaints or if they believe the yarn has gotten too dirty.
  5. Have fun with it all. One major purpose of yarn bombing is to brighten the drab qualities of ordinary, everyday life. If you aren't brightening your own life by creating the piece, a large aspect of the process is missing.
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EditThings You'll Need

  • Yarn
  • Scissors
  • Yarn needle
  • Fabric tape measure
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Crochet hook, knitting needles, latch hook tool, cross stitching needle
  • Camera

EditSources and Citations

Cite error: <ref> tags exist, but no <references/> tag was found

from How to of the Day http://ift.tt/1WG18YT
via Peter

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