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Friday, 10 July 2015

21 Inspirational Quotes From Kittens

Kittens know things.

"Be whatever version of YOU you want to be."

"Be whatever version of YOU you want to be."


"You can never see the world all at once, so just open your eyes really big and take in as much as possible."

"You can never see the world all at once, so just open your eyes really big and take in as much as possible."

Creative Commons / Flickr: sue_salisbury-maui-hawaii

"Sometimes it takes spending time in the jar to learn how to think outside of it."

"Sometimes it takes spending time in the jar to learn how to think outside of it."

reddit.com / Via imgur.com

"The world around you is big, but that doesn't make anything about you small."

"The world around you is big, but that doesn't make anything about you small."

imgur.com / Via imgur.com

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from BuzzFeed - Animals http://ift.tt/1UJJKiV

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